Why Test with Purity?
Evidence Based Guidance
Few employers can afford to test every employee for Covid-19. Testing surfaces can reveal the presence of Covid-19 in your workforce, even before symptoms develop, and help identify specifically affected surface areas that should be specially disinfected. Test results will provide evidence-based guidance to establish and maintain risk reduction protocols.
Greater Accuracy
Purity's Surface Test can detect as little as 5-10 genomic copies with its powerful, specialized RT PCR assay that utilizes specially designed PCR equipment for Covid detection.
Specially Designed for Easy Use
Purity uses a specially designed one-piece testing apparatus that's easy to use. The
testing swab is shipped to you on the same vial that holds the buffering solution, which eliminates the use of separate bottles and shipping bottles and swabs separately. Easy to understand, pictoral instructions are included in test kits, which makes directions easy to follow. When testing is completed, the tests are sent back in the kit provided and mailed back to Purity by using the self-addressed envelope provided.

Competitively Priced
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Environmental Laboratory Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017